Like a bad penny, it keeps coming back…
At long long long long loooooong last, I'm communicating with the world about the things I'm making. Because nobody, outside of friends and family, is going to give a fuck unless I give them a reason to.
It's been over three years since some guy without car insurance smashed into my car from behind at great speed, causing my head to hit the steering wheel very hard. It's been really shitty for my professional life. And personal life. And financial life. And, well, everything. But I have enough brain back that I don't have to spend hours reading to remember where I left off with the stuff I was writing, and sometimes there's even a back-burner up there for things to simmer while I do other things.
I'll tell yah, you don't realize how much happens in the background of the brain until it can't happen anymore.
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It's been over three years since some guy without car insurance smashed into my car from behind at great speed, causing my head to hit the steering wheel very hard. It's been really shitty for my professional life. And personal life. And financial life. And, well, everything. But I have enough brain back that I don't have to spend hours reading to remember where I left off with the stuff I was writing, and sometimes there's even a back-burner up there for things to simmer while I do other things.
I'll tell yah, you don't realize how much happens in the background of the brain until it can't happen anymore.
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